Sponsor me on Patreon

If you love the work that I am doing, and you know that you do, you can now make a monthly donation to me on Patreon.

Patreon is a crowdfunding site where people make monthly donations to creative people (writers, artists, comedians, etc.) to help them make ends meet--because being creative is not the gold mine that certain people think it is. The number of creatives that make decent money doing art is less than one percent.

And yes, I know. No one should support my work because I spend too much time making fun of other people, and my artwork sucks, and my writing blows, and whatever else my critics say.

To my critics, I say--bite me!

There are rewards for supporting me on Patreon, including early access to projects that I am working on.

So for just a dollar a month, you can sponsor a lunatic--that would be me, Mad Uncle Morgan, and encourage me to continue doing what I do best. Thank you for your continued support. 

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